When you own and operate a business, you deal with complex government regulations at the federal, state, and local levels. In the course of running your business, you may also encounter a variety of legal issues, from contract negotiations to tax concerns. In all of these situations, having a capable attorney representing your company can be invaluable.
McGrath Law Office, P.C. understands the complicated, high stakes issues your business faces. Regardless of your needs, we can act as your advocate, guide, and legal representative.
When establishing your business, you must typically select a structure and register your business with the state. The process of choosing the best structure and establishing the business properly can be daunting. However, our team understands all the advantages and disadvantages that come with each business structure, and we can help you choose the option that is best for you. We can also help you complete all the necessary paperwork and make sure your new business is fully compliant.
As you operate your business, a variety of legal needs may arise. For example, you may need help reviewing contracts, or you may become involved in a contract dispute. You may also have concerns related to insurance, liability, taxes, accounting, and other aspects of running your business. Whatever your needs may be, our firm is here to help you with the day-to-day operations of your company.
When it comes time to sell your business, there are many factors to consider. Not only do you want to make sure you maximize the profitability of the sale, but you also want to ensure that the sale meets all legal and regulatory clients and that you are protected from liability moving forward. Our team can help you complete a business sale with as little stress as possible.
If you own a business in Illinois, or if you are planning to establish a new business, please contact our firm today to make an appointment.
113 S. Main St.
PO Box 139
Mackinaw, IL 61755
1600 S. Fourth Ave.
Suite 137
Morton, IL 61550